

是不是科加路的美食都吃膩了呢?不想天天吃二本餐廳 Herban Kitchen


第一次訂還送你兩百!今天中午、晚上我想點...COMEBUY 松山新東

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The term 'First Flush', refers to the first plucking season of the year which is March to mid-April. Teas from the first flush are generally more fragrant and light.


Grown at a 100% certified organic tea garden.


食物,百貨茶,草藥紅茶 The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)折價券, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)哪裡買, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芳香紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)哪裡有, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)新光三越, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)大遠百, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芳香紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)板橋遠百, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)麗寶百貨, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)家樂福, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芳香紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)大潤發, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芳香紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)全聯, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)宅配, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)台中大遠百, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芳香紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)新竹巨城, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)台茂, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芳香紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)宜蘭, The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芳香紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)忠孝東路 權表於、心現病吃戲……格只有大,手落表春式張因一!

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 The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)

  • Artisan Quality
  • Pure Leaf Teas
  • Fresh
  • USDA Organic
  • Brews 60 Cups
  • Kosher


也許人人都聽過 The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g),但印象中 The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)平時是不打折的,可是今天告知你買 The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)到這裡買,可使用折價券買 The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g),而且宅配到府完全不消搬 The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g),真的省時省力又好輕鬆呢!

 食物,百貨茶,草藥紅茶-The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芬芳紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)

Flavor Profile

After the newly sprouted leaves have been plucked, they are withered over warm air for a few hours to reduce moisture. Once a suitable suppleness is achieved in the leaves, a delicate rolling of the leaves is performed. The leaves begin to oxidize (change color from green to dark) and the flavor develops. Finally, the leaves are oven baked.

The Prized First Flush

如果你還在斟酌 The Tao of Tea, 100%印度有機芳香紅茶,3.5盎司(100g)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立刻采辦,就可以囉~~

Darjeeling, located in the Himalayas of Northeastern India, is an area regarded to produce the 'Champagne of Black Teas'. It is one of the four main tea growing regions in India and the highest in elevation at 6,000 feet. The area comprises approximately 86 teas estates in Darjeeling covering three districts (Darjeeling, Kur搜索引擎優化ng and Kalimpong) with almost 30 percent now offering Certified Organic Teas.

100% Organic


The term most often used in describing Darjeeling teas is 'Muscatel', referring to the distinct white grape flavor. First Flush Darjeeling has several textures to the brew, a slightly dry taste and a lasting aftertaste.

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